Focus Area
Support to farmer field schools aims at yielding results for both the farmer and the climate
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- Category: Focus Area
No CommentsZIFLP CSA Katete ver 1 Working through the Ministry of Agriculture, the ZIFLP support to agriculture in the Eastern Province aims to sustainably increase crop production and productivity by promoting increased adoption of Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) practices. These objectives were anchored within the first pillar of the Seventh National Development Plan that of economic
Community members support the Forestry Department with enforcement of forest laws as Honorary Forest Officers
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- Category: Focus Area
ZIFLP HFO brief Sep23 Forest areas within Eastern Province are increasingly under threat of deforestation and forest degradation, contributing to the increased emissions of greenhouse gases. This is affecting our climate, specifically the rainfall patterns that we depend on as a country for our food security. The Forestry Department with technical and financial assistance from
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- Category: Focus Area
GBV Action Plan_EP-JSLP This Gender Based Violence (GBV) Action Plan (GBV AP) has been prepared to identify and mitigate GBV risks in the implementation of the Eastern Province Jurisdictional Sustainable Landscape Program (EP-JSLP). To prevent and mitigate potential risks of GBV/SEA and SH under EP-JSLP through an integrated mitigation and response approach, a GBV Action
Eastern Province Monitoring Verification and Reporting Framework Staholder Capacity Building Workshop Takes off in Chipata
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- Category: Focus Area, NEWS, Projects, Publications
The Government of Zambia is developing a Jurisdictional Emissions Reduction Programme for the Eastern Province. The proposed Programme is called Eastern Province Jurisdictional Sustainable Landscape Programme (EP-JSLP); it is a long-term sustainability Results-Based Payment Programme, Jurisdictional in approach and performance-based in nature. Its main objective is to promote reduced Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from the
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