ZIFLP to Empower Rural Communities in Eastern Province to sustainably manage Forests

ZIFLP National Project Coordinator ,Dr Tasila Banda speaking during a validation meeting of a study on “Alternative models of linking farmers/communities and Private Sector with the Public Sector” in Chipata District of Eastern Province.

The Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project (ZIFLP) is currently undertaking a study on “Alternative models of linking farmers/communities and Private Sector with Public Sector support” in the Eastern Province of Zambia.

This is in a bid to improve rural livelihoods through empowering communities to manage and benefit from Forests.

The study was therefore examining the type of partnerships the project could engage with in order to deliver on its project goals.

The study focused on models for Community Based Natural Resources Management and Value chains for agricultural and forest products.

Through a Consultant Nguni Kokwe, various models and value chains were identified and a study on how these are being implemented and how successful they have been was conducted.                                                                                      

Majority of Eastern Province’s 1.7 million people live in rural areas with livelihoods dependent on Natural Resources.
The study is therefore envisaged to enhance smallholder livelihoods and reduce forest loss and degradation in the province.

Provincial Forestry Officer, Joyce Munkombwe speaking during a validation meeting of a study on “Alternative models of linking farmers/communities and Private Sector with the Public Sector”.














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