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Countries World over, Zambia included are experiencing changing Climatic Conditions that can be attributed to a number of factors such as burning of Fossil Fuels, deforestation and unsustainable Agriculture expansion.
In the face of such challenges, the Ag. Observatory tool facilitates the provision of data /accurate information on climatic conditions and or weather patterns, it allows for a timely seven day forecast of weather patterns.
Realizing its importance, we held our first (Ag) Observatory Training between the 6th and 7th of March 2019 which was among other things directed towards empowering our implementing partners in analytical and operational programs for strategic, proactive and timely decision making, under changing climatic conditions.
Ag. observatory tool will enable our partners to make effective decisions regarding weather, pest and disease forecast alerts, crop suitability assessment and growth stage monitoring among many other things.
We are hopeful that with this training, our farmers will be able to receive more accurate information on “when to plant, when and how much to irrigate, what pests to scout and treat for, including when and how much to fertilize.
This will ultimately contribute to increased agriculture productivity and resilience. We are looking forward to learning more at our next Ag. Observatory training.