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As part of showcasing the achievement of the project, the Zambia Integrated Forest Landscape Project (ZIFLP) today held a Project Implementation Close-out Meeting. The meeting also involved an exhibition of the ZIFLP successes by the various project beneficiaries.

The main objectives of the meeting was to highlight and share the Project implementation achievements with the stakeholders and to showcase the success stories of ZIFLP by the local communities and beneficiaries.
The meeting was attended by various stakeholders including High-Level Government Officials among them the Minister of Eastern Province Mr. Peter Phiri, and Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment, Dr. Douty Chibamba accompanied by his Directors and senior officials in the Ministry.
The World Bank was represented by a Senior Agriculture Specialist and ZIFLP Task Team Leader, Silvia Mauri accompanied by a Safeguard Specialist. Other participants included District Administrations and Local Government for Eastern Province among them District Commissioners, Mayors, Council Chairmen, Town Clerks, Council Secretaries and DPOs, DFOs, DACOs and Area Wardens representing the DMTs.

The ZIFLP National Project Manager, Mr. Noel Muchimba, shared with the meeting, the various works implemented under the Project duration which included the promotion of Climate Smart Agriculture which has brought about increased productivity for the farmers who have adopted and are implementing the practices with over 162,334ha under CSA covering 73,052 farmers. He also indicated positive results under sustainable forest management with about 73,000ha brought sustainable management. Under the wildlife sector, the project has contributed to the sustainable management of two National Parks namely Luambe and Lukusuzi by helping to develop and implement General Management Plans, through enhanced wildlife patrols, boundary maintenance and clearance, institutional strengthening through capacity building of staff, construction of housing units for staff, Park entry gates and watering holes for wildlife among others. He further indicated that to ensure a coordinated implementation of the various initiatives being implemented by the Project, Integrated district development plans were developed for all 14 districts of EP. He informed the meeting that the Project had further developed the Emissions Reductions Programme for Eastern Province a successor to ZIFLP.

During the same meeting, World Bank representative Silvia Mauri echoed the role ZIFLP played in the improvement of livelihoods of the local communities in Eastern Province while contributing to the improvement of the environment. She indicated that the World Bank has been working with the Government in supporting a number of initiatives and ZIFLP was designed as an innovative program in Zambia, demonstrating that it is possible to break the vicious cycle of climate change risks and impacts by restoring forests, improving soil health, reducing emissions, and adapting to climate change, while reducing poverty and improving the livelihoods of the population. She also emphasized the need to maintain and improve on the gains of ZIFLP even as the Project transitions into the next Phase.
The Permanent Secretary for MGEE applauded all for the commendable work of contributing to the well-being of the local communities while sustainably managing the natural resources. He informed the gathering that ZIFLP has a sustainability plan through the Eastern Province Jurisdictional Sustainable Landscape Programme (EP-JSLP) which will pick up where ZIFLP ends. He emphasized that through the EP-JSLP, the Government is trying to bring a coordinated approach to carbon trading by ensuring that the communities who are the custodians of the resource get the right benefits by promoting transparency, equity, and fairness in the management of carbon and non-carbon benefits.
The Minister in his speech expressed happiness that the ZIFLP has achieved and surpassed the set targets for its development objectives.
“I am happy that the integrated approach in the implementation of ZIFLP served as a good example where all sectors worked together, as a cohesive unit, to reduce the impact of climate change, improve biodiversity conservation, enhance economic productivity, and improve the livelihoods of the local people in Eastern Province”.

The Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) through the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment (MGEE) and with support from the World Bank has been implementing ZIFLP a REDD+ Project in Eastern Province at a total cost of the project is US$32.8 million.
The project which started on 30th January 2018 is scheduled to close on 29th February 2024. The project was designed to support rural communities in Eastern Province to sustainably manage natural resources in their landscapes by enhancing the benefits they receive from forestry, agriculture, and wildlife, thereby improving their livelihood and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.